Ancient Energy Jewelry
Handmade in Germany with Love
For EMF Protection
For More Energy
For Relaxation
We are Fashion & Balance
UnicMatrix® jewelry is made to keep you youthful, happy and strong. Centerpiece of the jewelry is a matrix, consisting of precious metals, minerals and herbs. This ancient formula is based on Paracelsus, who pioneered the use of chemicals and minerals in 1526. He is a world renowned alchemist, physician, astrologer and scientist.
The jewelry matrix picks up the body's own weak electromagnetic waves and reflects them back slightly altered and enhanced. UnicMatrix® protects you from EMF, the harmful effects that comes from cell phones, power lines, wifi. It promotes relaxation, more energy, centered emotions, increased happiness, restful sleep.

Actor, 'Hitler-The Takeover', 'Sophie', 'Behind the Candelabra'. Wearing e.Cross Black Platinum & Platinum e.Q.
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